Friday, September 15, 2006

Banal Musings

Hello! I have been terrible about updating my blog! This is becoming a pattern in all of my posts.

This week has been crazy! We got the Brady Project off the ground. I thought that the response was going to be different, but I suppose that is the beauty of human response. The only problem that I have had with comments/responses, is people don't really seem to be reading the post in its entirety. Some feel that we didn't establish a "strong enough case" that the building name should change. Well, we are doing this over a period of a month. If we built the whole case in one entire post, people would certainly not read it (as demonstrated with the first one). Further, I am really not interested in naysayers' input, we have enough to do as it is. Anyhow, we have gotten a shitload of local press coverage. We were interviewed for KBIA last week, Patrick was on KOMU last night, and a story will appear in the Missourian next week (we were told that it will be a biggun' with pictures!). I am very shocked at how fast things are moving.

Moving on to things unrelated...

When I came into work yesterday, I had to climb over large squares of something covered by black plastic. When I asked what it was, Jeremy replied, "Oh yeah, they are moving asbestos from that closet.
' It was in the hall for two days! Thanks for the potential illness Mizzou! Oh well, maybe this University will make me rich after all.

Last night, I went to the A and C with Patrick, Erin, and Becky! Megan showed up later...She was fresh from her job selling kangaroo meat to hobos in Flat Branch Park. We had a pretty good time...Although that place is not the same without the karaoke. I ended up joining CoMo's local burlesque troop. We are going to work on a show to raise money for the Center Project. Finally, a chance to wear pasties...for a good cause!

Finally, I want to give a shout out to fellow blogger Sarah Smile! Now update your blog.

-I find it odd that Blogger's spell check doesn't recognize the word "blog."


At 2:06 PM , Blogger Erin said...

Fuck! That almost makes me want to move back to KC. I'll bet that you could find him trolling around 303...or Sidekicks.

At 6:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hey! It's coming to Minneapolis this spring!

You going?


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