Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Faggotron 3000 Ya'll

Ah the beginning of summer school...I am taking a class about the family and already my contempt for the penis has been renewed. Basically, we broke into small groups to talk about definitions of the family (one of my academic interests). The conversation was essentially like this:

Me: "I really think that notions of a family are changing with the growing visibility of same-sex couples"

Ignorant homophobe: "Yeah I have a lot of lesbian friends but I don't think that they are a family unless one is like the man and one is like the woman"

Also one guy referred to feminists as "man-hating." I guess it doesn't help that I am one of two feminists in the class...and it is a class predominantly comprised of women, and I am pretty sure that I am the token horticultural lady. Enough rants about school though...much of this is to be expected in public higher ed.


At 6:44 AM , Blogger Erin said...

No, to say that something is expected in one place does not exclude it from existing in another, however, public schools have lower academic standards (both for admission and graduation). Obviously, these opinions can be found in private schools, but a less informed attitude is more likely to be found in a larger pool of people from more rural areas (which public schools attract but that is a whole other socioeconomic conversation) Also, being critical of something is not the same as distancing yourself from it.


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