Sunday, April 30, 2006


Last night was hilarious! I didn't go out (not too shocking when the only gay bar in town is in a strip mall), but I had a fabulous time relaxing with my homies. The Best of TV Funhouse was on SNL and it was great. (Sidenote: Dear KOMU, Please get your shit together when it comes to broadcasts from the network. Stop cutting off portions of your programming. Thanks.)

I ended up taking Tickle quizzes afterward (I know, I am always the last to catch on to these things in the Intranets). I took three. The first one said that I had great verbal abilities. The second told me that I could communicate with animals. The third was perhaps the most surprising, it told me that I was the most intelligent in logic math. I have never had strong inclinations to take a lot of math classes in college and in high school I hated the ones that I had to take. Then it really made me think about all of the issues in education (at least when I was in the public educational system) about gender bias in math and the sciences. All of my high school math teachers were sports coaches and maybe, just maybe, my dislike of math is connected with my abhorration of most sports. Doubtful, but still an interesting thought. The funny thing that when I started taking courses in Statistics, I realized that I was quite good at it. It was a strange adjustment to make after usually being at the bottom in math. I was never one of the "high achievers" anyhow. Test-wise, I was , but grade-wise, I was kind of a fuck up. Certainly, I don't blame math teachers on my lack of interest in math, but perhaps if their approach to teaching math was different, maybe many students (especially women) could learn to appreciate it more. Is it really acceptable that many women (and I am speculating based on conversations with others) realize that math is one of their intellectual interests so late in their educational processes? I guess I could ask that education grad student in my African lit. class. Oh wait! She thought that the country of Nigeria was in the country of South Africa. In defense of education people, there are some really smart people who go into teaching. Looking at many of the people who are going to teach high school experience in public education suddenly makes sense.
Honestly, I am considering a career in higher education (provided they will take me) but that is because I have (a probably unhealthy) obsession with Sociology (the theoretical frameworks of Dorothy Smith to be exact) and I like to push it on everyone. I am like a drug pusher, but for Sociology.


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